Tuesday 4 January 2011

A new resolve…

So apart from the usual of lifestyle promises, I’ve decided to make one resolution artistically and that is to be more self reliant with my practice in relation to the contemporary art world and its politics – to have a more expanded view on things historically and geographically…

Although as an artist and teacher I’ve spent a great deal of time looking at contemporary work and discourses, the next challenge is to sort the nourishment from the crap. What I mean by this is developing a certain amount of steadfastness, as the zeitgeist continues to present very eloquent and researched propositions - so compelling that they can be destructive, if encountered at the wrong moment. Also resisting those superficial ideas of success and failure, since absorbing them takes the potency out of the product and hands the power back to those who determine those ideas.

I’m not talking about ignorance here; I think it’s about confidence and also prioritising my needs in the process. I still want to float it’s the kind of escapism I crave, but perhaps there will be at least one tether that maintains a relationship to the ground…

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