Anyways Influences… they are inevitable, the kinds of influences I’ve had are varied and sometimes contradictory. I’ve have had many influences over the years, here’s a few formative ones for starters
'Big Womens Talk' Sonia Boyce 1984
Franz West Etude de couleur 1991 (its a piss pot init)
I can’t say that I am or have been a complete fan of any artist (I’m a bit mean like that) but certain works, and certain ideas have appealed to me very much at particular moments. The nearest to fandom I got is with artist Lygia Clarke. I came across her work years ago at a women’s art show at the Whitechapel, ‘inside the invisible’. I felt a great sense of admiration for her use of the object as a therapeutic tool, sharing the visceral relationship she had with materials with others. At times it seemed a touch too mystical for me, but I enjoyed the awkwardness of her practice, it wasn’t easily definable or locatable. It was very inspirational, looking further into the history and context of her and her contemporaries; Brazil with its extreme political situation in the 60’s and 70’s; the will of its artists to have a ‘positive affect’ to make art for ‘everyone’.
With Clarke’s later work, I see an acceptance of the impossibility of art for everyone. The potential is there, but the transaction between the artwork and the viewer involves commitment. Certainly from the testimonials I heard in Suely Rolnik’s ‘From Object to event’ the commitment paid back in dividends.
Lygia Clarke Diálogo: Óculos 1968
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